Today I realized what sweet value
401 is offering at their PTQ and WMCQ (thank god Skyfox Games isn't
getting good events anymore!) which resulted in me getting super
pumped and opening Magic Online to battle in 2 dailies. I went 3-1
and 2-2, resulting in a cold 6 tix, 1 QP profit, ya living large :P
Here's a updated/mutated version of the GB Ooze I cashed with the
Lands: 24
11 Forest
4 Overgrown Tomb
4 Woodland Cemetery
2 Golgari Guildgate
2 Evolving Wilds (experimental
Deathrite Shaman synergy)
1 Swamp (Evo target, being a non Ooze
land hasn't hurt since it's a extra source)
Creatures: 28
3 Ulvenwald Tracker
3 Deathrite Shaman (Gotta even up the
Junk match up somehow)
4 Lotleth Troll
4 Strangleroot Geist
2 Knight of Infamy (Being played over
Gloom Surgeon)
4 Wolfir Avenger
4 Predator Ooze
2 Yeva, Nature's Herald (I blame Andrew
2 Wolfir Silverheart (Yeva/Salvage
caused the swap with Garruk)
Spells: 8
2 Rancor
2 Grisly Salvage (Ridiculous curve
filler, medicore card)
2 Ultimate Price
2 Sever the Bloodline
2 Rancor
1 Ulvenwald Tracker
1 Ranger's Guile
2 Appetite for Brains
2 Abrupt Decay
1 Deathrite Shaman
2 Garruk, Primal Hunter
1 Duress
1 Knight of Infamy
2 Triumph of Ferocity (Has been
impressing me less and less)
0 Arbor Elf: It never fixed my colored
mana, I didn't need a turn 2 Predator Ooze since I play this deck
more as a slower/"inevitable" beatdown deck. Cutting it
let me increase the land/black count, add more threats, and
consistently cast a 2 drop on turn 2, which is what I've been craving
this whole time.
2md/2sb Rancor: The metagame is easily
a third aggro, Rancor just doesn't preform against those decks, in my
experience I've rarely wanted any more then 1 Rancor, so 2 seems to be
a fine hedge. The third is brought in against most slow
removal/heavy sweeper decks, and the fourth is a random hedge in case
I have to board out a insane number of threats.
2 Evolving Wild/1 Swamp/2 Golgari
Guildgate: Just a little experiment to see how good adding a extra
black source while slightly powering up Deathrite Shaman is. It's
been playing a touch better then the old mana base.
3md/1sb Deathrite Shaman: Excellent
for stabilizing against aggro, slightly below average against
control, but the rise of Junk Reanimator forced my hand into moving 3
into the main deck. The synergy with Grisly Salvage and Evolving
Wilds are also adding a few small points as well for it.
2 Yeva: I've been running into
problems playing against Supreme Verdict, I have to keep regeneration
mana open but can't deploy threats which lets those scummy control
players get ahead. Yeva, Avenger, and Grisly Salvage are my attempt
to fix that problem. They've worked out really well so far, I've
also been very pleased to find out a 4/4 is bigger then a 3/4
(resto). Who woulda thought.
2 Grisly Salvage: This is the role-player that got signed on the team after I decided I wanted moar
Deathrite's and Yeva's. It's super power is filling the curve from
turn 2 onward by being able to keep regeneration mana open or deploy
cheap to medium costed threats along side it. It's effect is
powerfully mediocre
0 Alpha Authority(For now!): I want to
tweak this current version until I fully understand it before I try to
squeeze in another cheesy combo. But when I do it'll be bloody
sweet. Here are pics as proof of concept.
Missing one of a victorious 6/5 Lotleth Troll vs Junk Reanimator :(
I'm still a big fan of this deck, it's
ability to switch roles against opponents, resilient threats, and
oddball cards have kept me coming back for moar. On that note I'll
sign off. If you've got any questions or comments feel free to post
em or email me. Till next time.