Braving the harsh
Canadian winter (it's comin’, ya
know), I treked to my LGS to test UWr
Mortars' mettle. Here are
the desperate ravings of my battles
that day...
Round 1vs Virtual bye
I played
against extremely new player with an illegal deck. After our games
me and Andrew Oyen helped fix
his deck before the next round.
Round 2 vs GW Aggro, 2-1
g1: I bury him in 2-for-1's.
g2: I got greedy
and used both of my
O-Rings on Loxodon Smiters and lose 10
turns later to a Pike-neutering Rest in Peace,
while I proceeded to flood.
g3: Basically a
repeat of the first game; 2-for-1’s, buried, etc.
Round 3 vs GB Ooze a
la Kibler, 1-2
g1: My opponent leads with turn 2
Ooze, turn 3 Rancor, you know the drill. I
lost that game...go figure.
g2: Stabalized
at one life with removal that actually
works (O-ring, Unsummon)
g3: I got knocked
silly by a trio of angry Dreg Manglers. I guess you could say I was,
thoroughly mangled.
Round 4 vs Mono Red, 2-0
There's not a lot to say here, my
blockers produced a lot of card advantage
(how fair is that?!) and I promptly crushed him.
Round 5 vs Junk Reanimator, 0-2
g1: My opponent skillfully taps 2
lands and casts Mulch revealing...
...As the
game drags on I battle through Thragtusks and Spirit
tokens before I'm completely dominated by an
uncounterable Griselbrand. Eight
mana isn't very restrictive when all of
your Mulch's get 2 lands. Ah, well.
g2: I Thought Scour
myself twice – each one milling a
Jace, Memory Adept. I guess it's true what they say "Everyman
kills what he loves." The game ends with another Caverned
Griselbrand enabled by a
couple of sick Mulch hits.
After struggling against Griselbrand,
Predator Ooze, and Lotleth Troll, I went
back to the "drawing board" to readjust my removal suite.
The drawing board:
+1 Mountain -1 Plains: MOAR MORTARS!
+1 Sphinx's Revelation: Okay,
maybe I don’t hate a good revelation.
Maybe I just disliked how poorly set up the
UWr Flash version was at not dying, making
it a poor use of the card (that or I just can't play it
properly...or the meta’s weird). Now I
feel much more capable of drawing
the game out for the life of me during X
+1 Runechanters Pike: This card is
just amazing! It
lets me completely dominate the board post-sweeper,
lets me end the game extremely fast,
pressures decks that go bigger than me, and
even holds off obscenely large creatures like Wolfir
+2 Azorious Charm: The biggest problems
my deck had came from regenerators and
indestructible, slimy jerks. Azorious Charm
shores up that weakness only because we can
close a game out a lot easier now (with 50%
moar Runechanter's Pike!).
+3 Terminus: Back in my day, Wraths
actually swept the board, Supreme Verdict just drinks on the job and
leaves a ton of problems for the next shift (what
a dick). Terminus though punches in 9-5, Febreezes the board,
all while winning employee of the year. Now
I’m willing to nuke my own weenies since I get to do the
same to my opponent.
+1 Oblivion Ring:
I found myself boarding this in a lot.
Sadly it's not Augur/Tiago food,
but it's so good at answering an
early Ooze, Smiter, Planeswalker, etc.
Erase: I didn't have many artifacts to
target with Sundering Growth,
and Rancor is a very annoying
Magic card. Maybe someday I'll bring in three O-rings,
an Erase and a Growth to stop a Rest
in Peace or some other equally backbreaking
enchantment – much like Bane’s knee into
Batman’s spine.
Switcheroo: I have to see if this
trumps Griselbrand. If
it does, I sense some very
angry Reanimator players in the near future.
Dramatic Rescue: Wanted to try it out.
I'm liking it so far, but it might just be a unnecessary
– and greedier – Unsummon.
After said changes we arrive at . . .
Lands: 24
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Steam Vents
3 Glacial Fortress
4 Clifftop Retreat
4 Sulfur Falls
1 Island
2 Mountain
1 Plains
1 Evolving Wilds
Creatures/Win Conditions: 16
4 Augur of Bolas
4 Restoration Angel
4 Snapcaster Mage
2 Jace, Memory Adept
3 Runechanter's Pike
Snapcaster/Augur Food: 20
4 Thought Scour
2 Pillar of Flame
1 Dramatic Rescue
3 Azorius Charm
3 Mizzium Mortars
1 Searing Spear
1 Izzet Charm
2 Syncopate
2 Sphinx's Revelation
Sideboard: 15
1 Psychic Spiral
1 Mystic Retrieval
2 Dissipate
1 Sundering Growth
1 Erase
3 Oblivion Ring
1 Mizzium Mortars
3 Terminus
1 Switcheroo
1 Unsummon (doing gods work from the sideboard)
Well, that's
it for MOAR MORTARS for a bit. I'm gonna be
playing a few dailies on MTGO before rotation completely changes
Standard. I did win a local qualifier for a
2k Modern event, earning me 2 byes,
with UWR Midrange. The deck has been on fire,
winning some recent MTGO PTQ’s and GP Bilbao. I'll be
writting up a report and my thoughts on the
list in a few days.
Edited and Revised by
Andrew Boa
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